February 22, 2025


பிரபல எலும்பு முறிவு மருத்துவர் டாக்டர் ஜே எஸ் ராஜ்குமார் அவர்களின் பிறந்த நாள் விழா ஆயிரக்கணக்கான மக்களுக்கு நலத்திட்ட உதவிகள்

சென்னை அசோக் நகரில் உள்ள குமரன் எலும்பு முறிவு சிறப்பு மருத்துவமனையின் தலைவர் டாக்டர் ஜே எஸ் ராஜ்குமார் அவர்களின் பிறந்தநாள் விழா சென்னை பச்சையப்பன் கல்லூரி எதிரே உள்ள புனித ஜார்ஜ் வளாகத்தில் நடைபெற்றது பிறந்த தினத்தை முன்னிட்டு ஏழை எளிய மக்கள் பயன்பெறும் வகையில் நலத்திட்ட உதவிகள் செய்து பொதுமக்களுக்கு இலவச மருத்துவ பரிசோதனை மற்றும் 60 வயதுக்கு மேற்பட் முதியவர்களுக்கு அர்த்த கிரந்தி திட்டத்தின் மூலம் பத்தாயிரம் ரூபாய் காண பென்ஷன் 60 கோடி மக்களுக்கு இந்திய அரசு வழங்கி வரும் திட்டம் நான்காயிரம் பேர் ஆயிரம் பேருக்கு இலவச பரிசோதனை ஒரே இடத்தில் அமர்ந்து காணக்கூடிய மங்கி பாத் நிகழ்ச்சி 5000 ஏழை எளிய மக்களுக்கு அறுசுவை உணவு அரசு பள்ளிகளில் படிக்கும் மாணவ மாணவிகளுக்கு ஓவியப் போட்டிகள் நடத்தி அவர்களுக்கு பரிசுகளை வழங்கி வருகின்றனர் ஆயிரத்துக்கு மேற்பட்ட பெண்களுக்கு மார்பக புற்றுநோய் பரிசோதனை ஆயிரத்துக்கு மேற்பட்ட பொதுமக்களுக்கு வேஷ்டி சேலை போன்றவை இந்த பிறந்த நாள் நிகழ்ச்சியில் நடைபெற்றது எலும்பு முறிவு சிறப்பு மருத்துவராக இதுவரை எண்ணற்ற எலும்பு முறிவு அறுவை சிகிச்சைகளை செய்து அசத்தி வரும் டாக்டர் ஜே எஸ் ராஜ்குமார் அவர்களின் சமூகப் பணி தொடர்ந்து செய்து வருவதில் முன்னோடியாக திகழ்ந்து வருகிறார்

Refex Group Celebrates ‘Road Safety Week’

Chennai, January 12, 2024: Refex Group celebrated the ‘Road Safety Drive’ stressing the need to
follow all traffic rules and drive safely. While the nation is celebrating ‘Road Safety Month’ in
January, Refex kick started a two-day event from Jan 11 at Bazullah Road junction where students
from Ramakrishna school also participated. The citizens of tomorrow must be aware of the
importance of following traffic rules. On Jan 12, employees of Refex gathered at the Sterling Road
junction holding placards on road safety. The group also plans to organize a painting contest for
school children next week with a Traffic police officer to address on road safety.
According to an annual report by the ministry of road transport and highways on road accidents in
2022, shows a 9.4% increase in fatalities due to road accidents in 2022 with 1.68 lakh people losing
their lives last year while the total number of accidents went up by 11.9%. Refex Group, cares about
well-being of individuals, communities, and society as a whole and feels responsible to safeguard
lives by creating the necessary awareness.
At Refex, health and safety have always been at the forefront of our priorities as a responsible
organization, recognizing the paramount well-being of our employees, partners, and the
communities we operate in. Road safety is a critical component of this commitment, given the
significant role transportation plays in our daily operations. Emphasizing road safety allows us to
reduce accidents, injuries, and fatalities related to transportation, contributing not only to the
safeguarding of lives but also to the overall well-being of our workforce and the communities we
serve. This strong health and safety culture positively impacts our employees, fostering a sense of
security, trust, and satisfaction. As an integrated part of our broader Environmental, Social, and
Governance (ESG) journey, road safety seamlessly aligns with our commitment to sustainability and
responsible business practices. By promoting responsible driving habits and advocating for safer
roads, we ensure that our business operations are in harmony with environmental and social
considerations. Through various initiatives and awareness campaigns during Road Safety Month, we
not only fulfil our corporate social responsibility but also contribute significantly to the broader goals
of sustainable development. This integrated approach ensures that our commitment to ESG is not
merely a policy on paper but a live reality that positively impacts the world around us.
Commenting on the initiative, Anil Jain, Managing Director, Refex Group said “I am proud to affirm
our unwavering commitment to health and safety, which has always been a cornerstone of our
responsible organizational ethos. This commitment to health and safety fosters a robust culture
within our organization, instilling a sense of security, trust, and satisfaction among our employees.
Our initiatives extend beyond the workplace, with a focus on promoting responsible driving habits
and advocating for safer roads. This ensures that our business operations harmonize with
environmental and social considerations, reflecting our commitment to a balanced and sustainable
future. Furthermore, as an integral part of our broader Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
journey, road safety seamlessly aligns with our dedication to sustainability and responsible business

T Nrithruthi is daughter and disciple of Smt. Mrinalini Thiyagarajan Artistic Director of Natyanrit Academy of Bharathanatyam Madipakkam

T Nrithruthi is daughter and disciple of Smt. Mrinalini Thiyagarajan Artistic Director of Natyanrit Academy of Bharathanatyam Madipakkam chennai is a class 3 student of Modern senior secondary school Nanganallur Chennai

She has been learning dance from the age of 3 in traditional vazhuvour style and thrives hard to achieve her dreams in becoming a solo artist in the field of Bharathanatyam
As a dream come true she started performing in various Sabhas and temples showcasing her talent since then. On Jan 6th 2024 she gave her first solo performance by doing her salanga poojai dancing away a full margam with a thematic presentation named SHANMADHAM at RR SABHA MINI HALL, Mylapore Chennai which was well received by the audience and dance connoisseur
Dr Archana Narayanamurthy director of pandannallur school of arts and shri Sridharan secretary Modern senior secondary school were the guests and appreciated NRITHRUTHI for her efforts as an emerging artist who wholeheartedly performed with dedication and devotion

Mrinalini teaches dance for the past 20yrs and instilled the school NATYANRIT ACADEMY OF BHARATHANATYAM in the year 2005 with a vision to instill this traditional art form to youngsters of this generation
NRITHRUTHI has performed in more than 20 stages including a Kalinga natthanam at the age of 5 which was well appreciated by kalaimamani Guru Smt Anitha Guha

India Helps Sri Lankan Navy Build 4000 Tonne Capacity Floating Dock

4 th January Chennai: The formal keel-laying ceremony of the 4000 tonne capacity
floating dock being built for the Sri Lankan Navy with the help of India was held on
The ceremony was held at Dempo Shipbuilding and Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (DSEPL),
Goa. India’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay along with senior officials
of the Sri Lankan Navy and members of the Joint Monitoring Committee of the
Floating Dock also joined the program through virtual medium.
The Indian High Commission in Colombo tweeted, “The Keel laying ceremony  of
4000T Floating Dock built by @goashipyardltd for @srilanka_navy  was held
yesterday at Dempo Shipyard Goa. High Commissioner and VAdm Priyantha Perera
Commander of Sri Lankan Navy participated virtually.”
Speaking on the occasion, High Commissioner Baglay highlighted that this project
symbolizes the enduring bond of cooperation, harmony and friendship between India
and Sri Lanka. He said, “We are committed to the capacity building and continuous
development of the Sri Lanka Defence Forces towards realizing India’s vision of
‘SAGAR’ (Security and Growth for All in the Region) doctrine and ‘Neighbourhood
First’ policy.”
Bagley emphasized that the project to provide floating docks to the Sri Lankan Navy
has further reinforced the strong ties between the navies of the two countries. He
noted that the floating dock will cater to all the maintenance needs of the Sri Lankan
Navy and enhance its maritime security in the region. He thanked all the
stakeholders for their contribution to the project and wished for its timely completion.
This floating dock is capable of docking ships of up to 115 meters in length and this
project is a testament to the growing maritime cooperation between the two South
Asian neighbours.

ஹிஸ்ட்ரி ஹண்டர்’ நிகழ்ச்சியில் மணிஷ்பால் அவர்கள் புதிர் நிறைந்த மகாபலிபுரத்தின் ஏழுகோயில்கள் குறித்த பழங்கதைகளை ஆராய்கிறார்

தொடர் 4 டிஸ்கவரி சேனல் மற்றும் டிஸ்கவரிஆகியவற்றில்டிசம்பர் 11 அன்று இரவு 9:00 மணிக்கு ஒளிபரப்பாகிறது!

Chennai-13.12.2023வார்னர் பிரதர்ஸ் டிஸ்கவரியின் ஒரு‘ஹிஸ்ட்ரி ஹண்டர்’ தொடரில் புகழ்பெற்ற நிகழ்ச்சித்தொகுப்பாளரான மனிஷ் பால் அவர்கள் இந்தியாவில்பழங்காலம் முதலே புகழோடு உள்ள மகாபலிபுரத்தின் ஏழுகோயில்களைச் சுற்றியுள்ள மர்மங்களை கண்டறிவதற்கானஒரு மனம்கவரும் வரலாற்றுப் பயணத்தை மேற்கொள்கிறார்.சென்னையில் இருந்து வெறும் 60 கி.மீ தெற்கே அமைந்துள்ளஇந்த யுனெஸ்கோ உலக புராதான சின்னம் ஒற்றைக் கல்லால்உருவாக்கப்பட்டு தனியாக நிற்கின்ற ரதங்கள் என்றுஅழைக்கப்படும் 7 மற்றும் 8ஆம் நூற்றாண்டுக் குகைக்கோயில்களுக்கு புகழ்பெற்றதாகும்.

டிசரம்பர் 11 அன்று இரவு 9:00 மணிக்கு ஒளிபரப்பாக இருக்கும்இந்த தொடர், 16 மற்றும் 17 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டுகளில் ஐரோப்பியகடற் பயணிகளுக்கு ஒரு அடையாளச் சின்னமாககடற்கரையோரம் காணப்பட்டதாக ஒரு காலத்தில்நம்பப்படுகின்ற ஏழு கோயில்களின் புதிர் நிறைந்தவரலாற்றைப் பற்றிய ஒரு தெளிவினை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது. எனினும், காலப்போக்கில், இந்த கட்டமைப்புகள் யாவும்மறைந்துவிட்டன, மேலும் அவற்றுக்கு என்ன ஆனது என்கின்றவிடை தெரியாத கேள்விகளை மட்டும் விட்டுச் சென்றுள்ளன.

2003ஆம் ஆண்டு தேசிய கடலியல் மையம் மகாபலிபுரத்தின்கடற்கரையில் மேற்கொண்ட ஆராய்ச்சியின் மூலமாக மணிஷ்பால் அவர்கள் பார்வையாளர்களை ஒரு மனம் கவரும்பயணத்தில் அழைத்துச் செல்கிறார். இந்த கடற்கரைகோயிலுக்கு தெற்கே கட்டமைப்புகள்கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டாலும், போதுமான ஆதாரம் இல்லாதகாரணத்தால் ஏழு கோயில்களுக்கான தொடர்பு இன்னும்புரியாத ஒன்றாகவே உள்ளது. 2004 ஆம் ஆண்டு சுனாமிக்குப்பிறகு நீருக்கு அடியில் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்ட ஆராய்ச்சிபழங்கால சிதைவுகளை வெளியே கொண்டு வந்ததோடு இந்தபகுதியில் உள்ள இரகசியங்களை வெளிப்படுத்துவதில் ஒருமுக்கிய பங்காற்றியுள்ளது.

மண்ணுக்கு அடியில் காலத்தால் மறைக்கப்பட்ட புதிர்களைவெளிக்கொண்டு வரும் வகையில், அடுத்தடுத்துமேற்கொள்ளப்பட்ட அகழ்வுகளின் போது அந்த பகுதியல்கோயில் இருந்ததற்கான ஆதாரத்தை வெளிப்படுத்தும்எழுத்துக்களுடன் கூடிய கற்கள் உள்பட பலவற்றை மணிஷ்பால் அவர்கள் ‘ஹிஸ்ட்ரி ஹண்டரில்’ வழங்குகிறார். மகாபலிபுரத்தின் ஏழு கோயில்கள் என்னும் வரலாற்றுப் புதிர்பற்றிய ஒரு மனதை ஈர்க்கும் விளக்கத்திற்கு இந்த ஆராய்ச்சிஉறுதியளிக்கிறது.

டிசம்பர் 11 அன்று இரவு 9:00 மணிக்கு டிஸ்கவரி சேனலில்ஒளிபரப்பாகின்ற மற்றும் டிஸ்கவரி+ இல் பார்க்கக்கூடிய, இத்தகைய ஒரு மனம்கவரும் வரலாற்றுப் பயணத்தைப்பார்க்கத் தவறாதீர்கள்.  

“Detroit of South India” Chennai hosts Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024 roadshow


Shri Kanubhai Desai, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Energy and Petrochemicals, Gujarat addresses the gathering and welcomes Industry Leaders of Chennai to invest in Gujarat


“Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit has established Gujarat as the role model of development for the nation” – Shri Kanubhai Desai, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Energy and Petrochemicals, Gujarat


“Gujarat became the Growth engine of Viksit Bharat under the visionary guidance of

 Hon’ble Prime Minister”

-Shri Kanubhai Desai, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Energy and Petrochemicals, Gujarat


Chennai , November 2, 2023: Following the curtain raiser held in New Delhi for the 10th edition of Vibrant Gujarat and the successful national and international roadshows in Mumbai, Chandigarh, Kolkata, and Japan, the Vibrant Gujarat 2024 delegation successfully concluded the roadshow in Chennai led by Shri Kanubhai Desai, Hon’ble Minister of Finance, Energy and Petrochemicals, Government of Gujarat. Distinguished industry captains, along with officials from the Gujarat government, were in attendance on this occasion.

Ahead of the roadshow, Shri Kanubhai Desai, Hon’ble Minister of Gujarat had one-to-one meeting with various industry leaders, namely Mr. Anand Roy, MD & CEO, Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd., Mr. K M Balaji, Deputy CFO, Ashok Leyland Ltd., Mr. Krishnan Akhileshwaran, CFO, Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd., Mr. Arun Mammen, Vice Chairman & MD, MRF Ltd., Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar, Executive Director & Group CFO, Sify Technologies, Mr. Ramshankar C S, CEO, Maxbyte Technologies Private Ltd., Mr. Satyajit Tripathy, Chairman & MD, United India Insurance Co. Ltd., and Mr. Shanti Lal Jain, MD & CEO, Indian Bank.

While addressing the participants of the roadshow, Shri Kanubhai Desai shared insights into the success of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit and emphasized how Gujarat has become a role model for development and a preferred investment destination over the last two decades. He also highlighted on the proactive policy-led approach, Ease of Doing Business, investor-friendly attitude, and strong industrial infrastructure of the state.

Hailing Gujarat’s lead in the Renewable Energy Sector, the Hon’ble Finance Minister shared that, in alignment with the Prime Minister’s commitment to transform India into a net-zero economy, the state has undertaken several noteworthy initiatives. Hon’ble Minister expressed satisfaction in announcing that Gujarat has achieved a significant milestone with its renewable energy capacity reaching 20 GW, contributing to 15% of the nation’s total renewable energy capacity.

Emphasizing the state’s commitment to sustainable practices, Hon’ble Minister highlighted the ongoing development of the world’s largest hybrid renewable energy park in Kutch. He acclaimed, “Gujarat has set an ambitious target of generating 100 GW of renewable energy under its Green Hydrogen Mission, showcasing a forward-looking approach. The recent launch of the Gujarat Renewable Energy Policy further underscores the state’s dedication to promoting wind, solar, and hybrid technology-based renewable generation projects.”

He further emphasized upon Gujarat’s future-ready mega projects like GIFT City, Diamond Research and Mercantile City (DREAM City), Dholera SIR, etc. Additionally, he highlighted the state’s commitment to advancing Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision for the semiconductor sector. He said, “Gujarat stands as the first state in the country to implement the Semiconductor Policy, aiming to establish itself as India’s preferred location for semiconductor and display fab manufacturing. The upcoming Vibrant Summit will also organize seminars and conferences on important topics like Semiconductor Sector, Sustainable Manufacturing, Green Hydron, Electric Mobility, Renewable Energy, and Industry 4.0”.

He concluded by extending an invitation to all the participants for the upcoming Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2024, urging investments in Gujarat and encouraging active involvement in the nation’s developmental journey.

The roadshow began with a welcome address by Mr. M.P. Vijay Kumar, Co-Chair, Policy Advocacy Panel, CII Tamil Nadu, and Executive Director & CFO, Sify Technologies, followed by screening of an AV film on Vibrant Gujarat. Mr. K. Sendhil Naathan, Managing Director, TANFAC Industries Ltd. & Nominee Director, Anupam Rasayan India Ltd. and Mr. Saji Varghese, General Manager, MRF shared their experiences on Gujarat.

Further, Shri Swaroop P., IAS, Commissioner of Land Reforms and Ex-officio Secretary, Government of Gujarat, delivered a comprehensive presentation on the myriad business opportunities available in Gujarat. The roadshow concluded with a vote of thanks by Shri Arun Mahesh Babu, IAS, Managing Director, Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd.

Celebrating Navaratri with Elegance and Tradition, Navin’s Announces Exciting Navaratri Golu Contest

Chennai, India – October 20th, 2023 – Celebrating the cultural richness of Navaratri and the artistic
expression of Golu, Navin’s, the most trusted and respected real estate brand of Chennai, today
announced an exciting Navaratri Golu contest. This contest is a testament to Navin’s commitment to
honoring the cultural heritage of Chennai and the deep-rooted traditions that make Navaratri such a
cherished time of the year. In line with this, Navin’s invites participants from all over Chennai to
showcase their creativity through the create their own distinctive and captivating Golu arrangement in
the comfort of their homes till the 24th October, Tuesday.
With this competition, Navin’s offers a chance to let their imaginative skills shine as they carefully set
up dolls and figurines that pay homage to the cultural significance of Navaratri. Once their Golu display
is ready, individuals are required to capture a photo or short video of their creation and share it on
Instagram , tagging @navinshousing mentioning their name, apartment name and apartment number;
while also including the hashtag #Navin’sGolu in their social media post.
Post meticulously reviewing the submissions, the top three Golus will be chosen based on their
creativity, and uniqueness. These lucky winners will be honored with exciting gift vouchers and have
their Golu displays featured on Navin’s official social media pages. Besides this, they will also have their
Golu showcased by a popular influencer.
Join us in our celebrations and share your Golu displays with us, as part of this cultural extravaganza. Let
us come together to live in the traditions and creative expressions that make Chennai a vibrant and
culturally rich city. For further queries , please contact – 7305392777

Dr. Prateep V. Philip, Founder and Chair of Friends of Police, Achieves Historic Milestone with “Fillipisms” Published in Over 40 Languages

October, 2023:  Dr. Prateep V. Philip, the esteemed Founder and Chair of Friends of Police (FOP), has made history in the world of literature by compiling and publishing “Fillipisms: 3333 Maxims to Maximize Your Life” in over 40 languages. This extraordinary achievement includes major European languages such as German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese, as well as prominent Asian languages like Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Indonesian, along with five major Indian languages, including Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, and Malayalam.  The entire Friends of Police (FOP) community joyfully celebrated this remarkable feat by its visionary founder, Dr. Prateep V. Philip IPS R, former DGP CBCID TN.

In each of these languages, “Fillipisms” stands as a monumental accomplishment, setting records on both a global and Asian scale. The translated work is set to be officially unveiled at the prestigious Frankfurt Book Fair, the world’s largest book exhibition, taking place from October 18th to October 22nd, 2023, in Frankfurt, Germany. Dr. Prateep V. Philip will personally attend the fair to mark the release of 40 translations of “Fillipisms.”

This historic accomplishment is a testament to Dr. Prateep V. Philip’s unwavering dedication, commitment, and tireless efforts in advancing the dissemination of wisdom and knowledge across diverse cultures and languages. As Indians, Tamils, and Asians, we take immense pride in this extraordinary achievement and extend our heartfelt best wishes to him on this remarkable journey.

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship institutionalizesSpecial Campaign 3.0 to Enhance Workspace Efficiency and Resolve Pending Matters.

Chennai,10th October 2023: To bolster workspace management, foster a more productive
environment, and address pending matters, the Ministry of Skill Development &
Entrepreneurship (MSDE) announces its active participation in Special Campaign 3.0. This
groundbreaking initiative is aimed at decluttering and enhancing efficiency within national
institutes, organizations, research councils, subordinate entities, and its own premises.
The journey towards Special Campaign 3.0 commenced on October 2, 2023, with the
identification of crucial targets to be addressed during this campaign period. Special campaign
3.0 lays a special focus on achieving space management and elevating the workplace
experience in offices. This campaign represents a significant step forward in maintaining the
highest standards of cleanliness and operational excellence.
During the preparatory phase of Special Campaign 3.0, MSDE set ambitious targets to reduce
pendency and resolve all pending matters within the campaign’s duration. As per the Ministry’s
records, the current pendency stands as follows:
● References from MPs: 24
● Parliamentary Assurance: 4
● IMC Reference (Cabinet Proposals): 3
● State Govt. References: 3
● Public Grievances: 201
● PMO References: 2
MSDE is fully committed to disposing of all these pending matters during the Special Campaign
3.0, emphasizing its dedication to efficiency and accountability. In preparation for the campaign,
Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE reviewed the progress of the initiative with all the
nodal officers and division heads on October 6, 2023. Senior officers have been directed to put
forth their best efforts to achieve the established targets during the campaign period. A
dedicated team is monitoring daily progress closely to ensure the successful execution of the
campaign’s objectives.
Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE applauded all divisions for their remarkable efforts in
the #SwachhtaHiSeva campaign. Further, he said that all divisions should continue to contribute
towards making their surroundings clean and green and meeting the parameters set under the
Special Campaign 3.0.
In the second edition of the initiative, Special Campaign 2.0, Ministry of Skill Development and
Entrepreneurship disposed of 32 public grievances, reviewed 12,830 e-files, weeded out 2115
physical files, conducted 6954 cleanliness campaigns, freed 5783 sq.ft. of space earned a
revenue of INR 373175.

Siddharth Rajsekar Unveils Second Book, ‘I CAN COACH,’ Highlighting Transformational Stories.

Chennai, 2nd October 2023 – Visionary founder of the Internet Lifestyle Hub, Siddharth Rajsekar,
unveiled his latest work, “I CAN COACH – Stories Of Transformation Volume 1” at his flagship event
‘The Freedom Business Retreat’ at the Leela Palace in Chennai. This follows his international
Amazon Bestseller, “You Can Coach,” showcasing the journey of building one of the largest
communities of coaches, trainers, and experts from scratch.
While “You Can Coach” serves as an essential guide for budding coaches and trainers, “I CAN
COACH” explores the boundless human capacity for transformation, change, and personal growth. It
brings together real-life stories from individuals within the diverse Internet Lifestyle Hub community.
With a decade of meticulous research and half a decade of hands-on experience nurturing digital
communities, Siddharth demonstrates the remarkable power of digital coaching through his
narrative. In a rapidly evolving educational landscape, “I CAN COACH” stands as a symbol of
adaptive, personalized, and transformational learning.
The book unfolds over 45 awe-inspiring tales from everyday individuals across different walks of life,
all of whom have embraced the Freedom Business Model process. Their stories are a testament to
resilience, passion, and the indomitable human spirit.
Siddharth remarks, “I CAN COACH transcends mere words on paper. It’s a movement, a call to
action, encouraging each one of us to redefine our destinies and transform lives.”
“I CAN COACH” is more than a book; it’s a revolution encouraging readers to believe in their
capacity to inspire, lead, and live a life abundant in purpose. Siddharth’s Internet Lifestyle Hub has
been a catalyst for ordinary individuals morphing into digital mavens and influential coaches. This
book acts as both an inspiration and a roadmap for anyone keen on exploring their inherent
Dive into its pages and let each story fuel the fire within to chase dreams and aspirations with
unwavering tenacity. As the title succinctly asserts, the phrase “I can” is the most powerful weapon
in your arsenal.
The book, published by Clever Fox Publishing, is available on or for
INR 199.
Praise for “I CAN COACH – Stories Of Transformation Volume 1”
“This is not just any book. Every single story is a tale of the indomitable human spirit. I congratulate
Siddharth for spearheading the ‘I Can Coach’ book series. Writing the foreword for the first volume

was an honor. With every new edition, we’ll uncover more insights impacting the current and next
generation of trainers, coaches, and experts.”
Surendran Jayasekar, CEO-Success Gyan