ஜியோ மாமி விருது பெற்ற பிரவீன் கிரி இயக்கத்தில் அன்ச்செயின்ட் பிக்சர்ஸ் தயாரிப்பில் மும்பையை பின்னணியாக கொண்ட விறுவிறுப்பான திரைப்படம் ‘மான்குர்த்’ வெளியீட்டுக்கு தயாராகி வருகிறது.
பல்வேறு விருதுகளை பெற்ற குறும்படங்களை இயக்கியுள்ள பிரவீன் கிரி, இயக்குநர் இமயம் திரு பாரதிராஜா முதன்மை வேடத்தில் நடிக்கும் திரைப்படம் ஒன்றிலும் பணியாற்றி இருக்கிறார்.
அவரது ‘மான்குர்த்’ திரைப்படம் மும்பையின் பரபரப்பான வீதிகளில் படமாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அங்கு வசிக்கும் இரண்டு சாதாரண சிறுபான்மையினர் ஒரு அசாதாரண அரசியல் விளையாட்டில் அவர்களுக்கே தெரியாமல் ஈடுபடுத்தப்படுகிறார்கள். இடைத்தேர்தலை முன்னிட்டு ஒரு அரசியல் கட்சி செய்யும் சதியில் முகமதும் அவரது மகள் நிஷாவும் பலிகடா ஆகிறார்கள். என்ன செய்வது என்று அவர்கள் தவிக்கும் நிலையில், நல்லெண்ணம் கொண்ட தலைவர் ஒருவர் அவர்களுக்கு நம்பிக்கை அளிக்கிறார். வஞ்சகர்கள் வலையில் இருந்து அவர்களால் தப்பிக்க முடிந்ததா இல்லையா என்பதை பரபரப்பாக சொல்லும் வகையில் ‘மான்குர்ட்’ உருவாகி உள்ளது.
மதங்களை தாண்டிய மனிதநேயத்தை பேசும் இப்படத்திற்கு ஹரிஷ் ராஹித்யா இசையமைத்துள்ளார், விஷ்வா ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்துள்ளார், ப்ரியன் பிரசாத் படத்தொகுப்பை கவனிக்க, ரிகேஷ் குமார் கலை இயக்கத்தை கையாண்டுள்ளார்.
படத்தின் முக்கிய கதாபாத்திரங்களில் ‘மேதகு’ புகழ் ராஜா, சௌந்தர்யா மனோகரன், சையத் பாஷா மற்றும் அல்கா சக்சேனா ஆகியோர் நடித்துள்ளனர். பாரதி கோலப்பன், எம்.ராஜா மற்றும் அம்மு பைரவி ஆகியோர் முக்கிய பங்களித்துள்ளனர். பன்முகத்தன்மை மிக்க ‘மான்குர்த்’ கதையில் தமிழ், இந்தி, மராத்தி போன்ற பல்வேறு மொழியினர் நடித்துள்ள நிலையில் பன்மொழித் திரைப்படமாக இது உருவாகி உள்ளது.
திறமையான நடிகர்கள் மற்றும் தொழில்நுட்பக் குழுவினர் பங்களிப்போடு சுயாதீன திரைப்படமாக தயாராகியுள்ள ‘மான்குர்த்’, உலகெங்கும் நடைபெற்று வரும் சர்வதேச திரைப்பட விழாக்களில் திரையிடபட இருக்கிறது.
முன்னணி தயாரிப்பு நிறுவனமான UV கிரியேஷன்ஸின் கீழ் பிம்பிசாரா புகழ் இயக்குநர் வசிஷ்டாவுடன் மெகாஸ்டார் சிரஞ்சீவி இணையும் மெகா ஃபேன்டஸி சாகச திரைப்படம் #Mega156 திரைப்படம், தசரா விழாவன்று பெரும் கொண்டாட்டமாக துவங்கியது. இந்நிலையில் இன்று, இந்த பிரம்மாண்டமான திரைப்படத்தின் படப்பிடிப்பை, படக்குழுவினர் தொடங்கியுள்ளனர்.
படப்பிடிப்பில் கிளாப் போர்டை டைரக்டர் மாருதி அவர்கள் அடித்து துவக்கி வைக்க, படக்குழுவினர் படத்தின் 9 வது காட்சியை படமாக்கினர். புகைப்படத்தின் பின்னணியில் அடர்ந்த காட்டை நாம் காணலாம். மேலும் படப்பிடிப்பின் முதல் ஷெட்யூலில் மெகா ஸ்டார் சிரஞ்சீவி இணைந்துள்ளார்.
அறிவிப்பு போஸ்டரே பெரும் சுவாரஸ்யத்தை ஏற்படுத்தியது. பின்னர், இரண்டு வெவ்வேறு சந்தர்ப்பங்களில் வெளியிடப்பட்ட மற்ற இரண்டு போஸ்டர்கள் பார்வையாளர்களிடையே ஆர்வத்தை மேலும் அதிகரித்தன. இப்படம் பார்வையாளர்களை பிரபஞ்சத்திற்கு அப்பால் மெகா மாஸ் ஃபேண்டஸி உலகிற்கு அழைத்துச் செல்லும் என்று எதிர்பார்க்கப்படுகிறது.
விக்ரம், வம்சி மற்றும் பிரமோத் ஆகியோர் இணைந்து பெரும் பொருட்செலவில் தயாரிக்கும் இப்படம், சிரஞ்சீவி திரை வாழ்க்கையில் மிகப்பெரும் பொருட்செலவில் உருவாகும் திரைப்படமாக இருக்கும். இப்படத்திற்கு எம்எம் கீரவாணி இசையமைக்க, சோட்டா கே நாயுடு ஒளிப்பதிவு செய்கிறார். ஏ.எஸ்.பிரகாஷ் தயாரிப்பு வடிவமைப்பாளராகவும், சுஷ்மிதா கொனிடேலா ஆடை வடிவமைப்பாளராகவும் பணியாற்றுகிறார்.
சாய் மாதவ் புர்ரா வசனங்களை எழுதுகிறார், கோத்தகிரி வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ் மற்றும் சந்தோஷ் காமிரெட்டி எடிட்டர்களாக பணியாற்றவுள்ளனர். ஸ்ரீ சிவசக்தி தத்தா மற்றும் சந்திரபோஸ் ஆகியோர் பாடலாசிரியர்களாகவும், ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் கவிரெட்டி, காந்தா ஸ்ரீதர், நிம்மகத்தா ஸ்ரீகாந்த் மற்றும் மயூக் ஆதித்யா ஆகியோர் ஸ்கிரிப்ட் அசோசியேட்டுகளாகவும் பணியாற்றுகின்றனர்.
நடிப்பு : மெகா ஸ்டார் சிரஞ்சீவி
தொழில்நுட்பக் குழு: எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் இயக்குநர்: வசிஷ்டா தயாரிப்பாளர்கள்: விக்ரம், வம்சி, பிரமோத் பேனர்: UV கிரியேஷன்ஸ் இசை: எம்.எம்.கீரவாணி ஒளிப்பதிவு : சோட்டா கே நாயுடு தயாரிப்பு வடிவமைப்பாளர்: ஏ.எஸ்.பிரகாஷ் ஆடை வடிவமைப்பாளர்: சுஷ்மிதா கொனிடேலா எடிட்டர்: கோத்தகிரி வெங்கடேஸ்வர ராவ், சந்தோஷ் காமிரெட்டி வசனங்கள்: சாய் மாதவ் புர்ரா பாடல் வரிகள்: ஸ்ரீ சிவசக்தி தத்தா மற்றும் சந்திரபோஸ் ஸ்கிரிப்ட் அசோசியேட்ஸ்: ஸ்ரீனிவாஸ் கவிரெட்டி, காந்தா ஸ்ரீதர், நிம்மதி ஸ்ரீகாந்த் மற்றும் மயூக் ஆதித்யா நிர்வாகத் தயாரிப்பாளர்: கார்த்திக் சபரீஷ் லைன் புரடியூசர்: ராமிரெட்டி ஸ்ரீதர் ரெட்டி மக்கள் தொடர்பு : யுவராஜ் மார்க்கெட்டிங் : ஃபர்ஸ்ட் ஷோ
Chennai 23, November 2023: Offering the best service possible is the only way to do justice to the world of science and technology. It is with noble principle in mind that ‘Asto Labs’ offers its service to the people, on an “Aggregator basis” (like Ola, Uber, etc.) In other words, persons requiring medical diagnostic services can contact us easily on our app. Our well-trained ‘Asto Labs’ representatives shall promptly make a free house-visit to collect the test samples from you, thus saving you from unnecessary trips to the labs, and waiting. The samples are then taken to an N.A.B.L lab, one of the nationwide authorised labs for medical tests. The test results are usually ready the same day, and are delivered to the user on the app. People don’t have to depend on just one lab for their test results. This service is fast and saves money. It is worth mentioning that in the wide world of service market, the expense incurred by the user is reduced by up to 30 percent by Asto Labs service procedure. It is on this basis that we have designed the process. This is not just a package-based service; it can also be designed based on the doctor’s prescription. This saves you from the hassle of undergoing futile tests and medical procedures. You can ask for custom-made diagnostic service to suit your requirements. The ‘Asto Labs’ representatives are ready from 6.00 in the morning to collect your samples. This is the first time in the disease diagnostics field that the aggregator method is being used with Tamil Nadu as the base. Currently being launched in Chennai, the service shall soon be available in all the main cities, and future plans include making it available all over the state and the neighbouring ones too. You can avail up to 80% discounts on our various diagnostic packages. With more than 12 years’ experience in the world of medical diagnostics, we are launching this service on the 23 rd , with our revolutionary objective to provide accurate results, while saving money and time for the user. This service is being brought to you by our founder, our very own Mr. Venkat Krishnan. The modest launch, to be held at Chepauk’s Press Club, shall have Dr. K. Balakrishnan (Founder- Director of KM Hospital and Bloom, and KM Specialty Hospital Chain of Hospitals). He has been the caring family doctor of most of the families in Chennai for more than 46 years now! With the blessings and support of the people, we are all set to expand our horizon in this specialised service sector.
Through Baroda Kisan Pakhwada, the Bank engages with farmers and creates awareness of various agri initiatives taken by the Bank as well as agri products & schemes offered
The Bank organised a Farmers’ Programme in Madurai as a part of the Baroda Kisan Pakhwada programme; Activates 5 mobile vans to dispense information on various agri products/schemes
Madurai/Chennai, November 22, 2023: Bank of Baroda (Bank), one of India’s leading public sector banks, announced the launch of the 6th edition of Baroda Kisan Pakhwada in Tamil Nadu, the Bank’s annual, fortnight long engagement programme focused on the Indian agrarian economy. The farmer engagement programme takes place from November 16, 2023, and concludes on November 30, 2023, with the Baroda Kisan Diwas celebrations.
The Bank’s Chennai Zone organised a Farmers’ Programme at Nallampatti Village, Dindigul, Madurai as a part of the Baroda Kisan Pakhwada. The event was inaugurated by Shri Saravanakumar A, Zonal Head – Chennai Zone, Bank of Baroda and Shri Jaikishan M, Regional Manager – Madurai Region, Bank of Baroda.
The event was attended by a number of dignitaries like the President of the Nallampatti Milk Society, President of the Sirumalai Farmers Society & the President of the Panchayat of Nallampatti village. During the event, Self Help Groups (SHG) were felicitated, followed by the handing over of in-principle sanction letters to various beneficiaries. The event concluded with the waving of the flag to commence the Baroda Kisan Raths which will cover various clusters of villages in Tamil Nadu.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Saravanakumar A, Zonal Head – Chennai Zone, Bank of Baroda, said, “Bank of Baroda has a loyal and strong base of agri customers and is one of the leading banks servicing the agriculture sector. We are pleased to organise this Farmers’ Programme in Madurai. In Chennai zone, over 160 branches will participate in this year’s Baroda Kisan Pakhwada, which will help us to boost engagement with the farming community and fulfil the banking & financing requirements of our esteemed agri customers.”
Bank of Baroda has also organised five mobile vans in Tamil Nadu which are being activated to cover villages, town panchayats and markets in Chennai Rural, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy and Puducherry. One officer will accompany each van, which will dispense information on various agriculture schemes and loan products, accept loan applications and spread awareness about the Baroda Kisan Pakhwada.
Bank of Baroda has 315 branches in Tamil Nadu, of which 161 are semi-urban/ rural branches. Advances to the agri sector in Tamil Nadu zone have grown year-on-year by 21.4% as on 30th September 2023.
During the Baroda Kisan Pakhwada, Bank of Baroda will reach out to farmers and create awareness about various initiatives such as the Kisan Credit Card drive in the name of “Ghar-Ghar KCC Abhiyaan” as well as create awareness on agri products, schemes/offers and delivery channels offered by Bank of Baroda for the benefit of the farming community. The event will also help to promote various Atmanirbhar Bharat schemes introduced by the Government of India such as the Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF), Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF), Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY), PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme (PM-FME), etc.
Chennai, November 22, 2023: Mother’s Recipe, a renowned brand known for its delectable and traditional flavors, is excited to announce its collaboration with Fortune Sunlight Oil, a trusted brand from the Adani Wilmar Group, for a grand festive promotion. With a focus on the vibrant states of Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and the culturally rich regions of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, this collaboration aims to bring joy and culinary delight to countless households during the upcoming festive season. Under this exciting collaboration, customers can avail of a special offer on the purchase of Fortune Sun Lite 5 Liters, wherein they will receive a complimentary 200g pack of Mother’s Recipe Ginger Garlic Paste. This promotional offer aims to enhance the festive spirit and elevate the culinary experience for families across these states. In conjunction with this campaign, Adani Wilmar has launched an extensive TV campaign on leading channels such as Zee Kannada, along with placed Point of Sale Materials (POSM) including posters for high retail visibility. This multi-faceted promotional approach ensures that the message of this exclusive collaboration reaches every household, creating a buzz and anticipation for the upcoming festivities. Ms. Sanjana Desai, Executive Director of Mother’s Recipe, expressed her enthusiasm about this collaboration, stating, “Diwali is one of the momentous festivals that holds a special place in the hearts of Indians. And to make this Diwali even more special for our consumers, we have collaborated with Fortune Sunlight Oil. Mother’s recipe Ginger Garlic Paste with the rich aroma & free from Class II Preservatives, we are confident that this promotion will add an extra layer of joy and flavor to the festive celebrations of our customers.” With this festive offer, Mother’s Recipe aims to bring families together to celebrate the joyous occasions with festive dishes without any Class II preservatives and any added colours.
Chennai, The Westin Chennai Velachery, celebrated the spirit of the festive season with a delightful Cake Mixing Ceremony. The event, held on 28th October, brought together residents, non-resident guests, influencers, media, and the cherished members of the Westin family for a joyful and all-inclusive celebration.
Cake Mixing is a cherished tradition that heralds the arrival of Christmas season and the beginning of winter festivities, believed to usher in good tidings and happiness. The Westin Chennai Velachery conducted this tradition with great cheer and an exciting twist.
The highlight of the event was a dedicated mixing table for children, where they could indulge in their creativity by mixing their favorite nuts, spices, and juice. This interactive activity added a touch of joy and wonder to the celebration, making it an event for all ages. Adults also joined in the fun, blending a rich mix of ingredients, including colorful cherries, dates, plums, assorted dry fruits, currants, sultanas, dried figs, glacé cherries, mixed spices, almond flakes, and many more to create the perfect cake mix. Executive Chef Saravanan Ranganathan led the cake mixing ceremony, ensuring that the ingredients were mixed to perfection. It was an opportunity for guests to bond, share laughter, and embrace the festive spirit.
In a special collaboration, The Westin Chennai Velachery partnered with Kocoatrait, the world’s first sustainable, zero-waste, single-origin, organic, and planet-friendly bean-to-bar chocolate brand based in Chennai. Mr. Nitin Chordia, the founder of Kocoatrait, hosted a unique cocoa ceremony for the guests, further elevating the experience.
Lakshmanan Ramanathan, General Manager of The Westin Chennai Velachery, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, saying, “At The Westin Chennai Velachery, we believe in creating unforgettable moments that mark the beginning of the season of festivities. Our annual cake mixing event is a time-honored tradition that brings together the essence of joy, togetherness, and anticipation for the upcoming festivities. As we blend a rich tapestry of ingredients, we look forward to inviting the festive season with open arms. We are eager to share in the warmth and merriment of this season with our valued guests and the community. Let the celebrations begin!”
The Westin Chennai Velachery has demonstrated its commitment to offering unique and memorable experiences to its guests. As the festive season unfolds, the hotel stands ready to welcome everyone to join in the spirit of togetherness and celebration.
Chennai: The Women Entrepreneurship Development Organisation (WEDO), a pioneer in the financial empowerment of women through entrepreneuership, on Saturday (November 18) launched its Visionary Women Circle and Visionary Women Collective at a mega function held in the MMA Academy in Chennai. Over 200 women entrepreneurs from different fields and from the length and breadth of India participated with a view to partaking of the spirit, resilience and creativity that emanated from the brainstorming sessions at the event. Governor Tamilisai inaugurates: A votary of women’s financial empowerment through her gubernatorial actions, Governor of Telangana and Lt Governor of Puducherry Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, who presided over the function as the chief guest, declared open the Visionary Women Circle & Collective, bestowing upon her words of encouragement and insightful messages as to how women of the country could help better their financial position by undertaking various types of entrepreneurial activities. Guiding forces: The guiding forces of WEDO– Mrs Kadambari Umapathy, Founder, and Dr Abdul Manaff, Chairman–made things possible for the Visionary Women Circle & Collective, all for the financial development of women who wanted to prove their worth in various entrepreneurial activities. .
Flagship event at MMA Chennai: Both of them said that the flagship event at the prestigious MMA Hall in Chennai on November 18 formed as a milestone in their journey of growth, empowerment and limitless possibilities. This pioneering initiative could make waves across the country, marking a significant milestone in their journey, they acknowledged. Naturals and Coca Cola partnering: Naturals founder Mr C K Kumaravel, a celebrity in his own right and a successful entrepreneur is the supporting partner of the initiative apart from the global brand Coca Cola Inaugural volume of Collective: The event also saw the presentation of the inaugural volume of the Collective apart from the unveiling of the Visionary Women Circle. It also promised to be a momentous occasion of unparalleled inspiration, empowerment and unity. Resilient network: The main idea of Visionary Women Circle is to create a resilient network that encompasses peer-to-peer mentor access and market support for progressive women-owned brands, thus enabling seamless connections with clients, collaborators and investors globally. The purpose: To be precise, Visionary Women Circle is a collective of noteworthy transactable, collaboratable and investable women entrepreneurs from different sectors and parts of India. Mrs Dhivya Sriram, Founder, Anil Engineering Private Limited, presided over the India chapter of the Visionary Women Circle. 5 brands: It is interesting to note that 5 brand launches happened on the occasion– She Finance-fund and mentoring for women entrepreneurs was inaugurated by Mrs.A S Kumari, Head of TN State women’s Commission. Other brands included: Finestra-Life Coaching brand specialising in Parenting, Tulips & Daffodils-Organic soil amendments, Precise Goal-financial consultant and SARAS, which is into trendy and eco-friendly bags.
Chennai, 15th November 2023: “Spell for Beginners” book was launched by Magick of healing in Chennai through Mr. Pariraj, Executive Engineer TANGEDCO and Mr. Prakash Sharma, Founder Director and Author of Bija Training Pvt. Ltd were the chief guests for the Book Launch and released the Book “Spell for Beginners”.
Magick of Healing is a Spiritual Organisation and our foundation rests on the belief that healing is a holistic process, touching not only the physical body but also the mind and spirit. Magick of Healing is not just a company; it’s a sanctuary where individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and restoration. Our practitioners, each a master in their own right, bring forth a wealth of knowledge from diverse traditions, creating a space where the mystical and the scientific converge.
Magick of Healing is more than a service provider; it’s a community, a gathering of like-minded individuals who share a common vision for a healthier, more balanced world. Our workshops, events, and online resources aim to foster connection and education, creating a space where knowledge can be shared and collective healing can take place.
● The certification has been launched with an aim to drive and facilitate an integrated approach to help India achieve Net Zero Carbon Emission goals. ● As part of this, IGBC also unveiled the significant aspects of its upcoming three-day Green Building Congress 2023 in Chennai ● Supported by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the World Green Building Council, India Green Building Congress 2023 for the first time, will provide a platform for all Indian construction industry stakeholders to attend and learn the benefits of migrating to green building.
Chennai, 15th November 2023: In a move to fast-track India’s journey towards its 2070 net zero goal, CII’s Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) today unveiled and introduced in Tamil Nadu its pioneering initiative – IGBC Nest – for the individual housing sector ahead of its flagship conference IGBC Green Building Congress 2023. After having transformed the commercial and industrial real estate sector with several green initiatives and certifications, IGBC has brought to foray a framework specifically developed for individual homeowners to build futuristic, green homes that help control and limit carbon emissions. The initiative was unveiled and introduced in a press conference today in the presence of Mr Ajit Kumar Chordia, Chairman, IGBC Chennai Chapter, Co Chair – Green Building Congress 2023, Mr Mahesh Anand, Co- Chairman, IGBC Chennai Chapter and Mr M Anand, Deputy Executive Director, CII – IGBC. IGBC Nest is a first-of-its-kind, Eco-friendly Self-developed Tenements framework and certification that aims to bring awareness and drive the individual owners to build a sustainable home with no or meager additional cost. The initiative encourages the owners to adopt green measures that are simple and have profound impacts in addressing resource efficiency and occupant’s health and wellbeing. The framework throws light on building envelopes, water & energy efficiency and harnessing solar energy. Since 2001, IGBC has garnered significant support from stakeholders in the Indian construction industry, leading to a noteworthy positive
impact on government, corporate, commercial, residential, industrial buildings, and the broader built environment. The press conference also witnessed the kick-start of IGBC’s Green Building Congress 2023, the only event in India that is supported by The World Green Building Council (World GBC), and 20 different countries’ Green Building Councils across the world. The flagship event is set to take place in the city after ten years from 23rd November 2023 to 25th November 2023 with the theme Advancing Net Zero Through Decarbonization. Through this, IGBC will provide a platform that brings together eminent industry leaders, policy makers and technology providers to exchange insights and vision on sustainable building practices. The conclave will also showcase 500+ innovative green products, materials, and technologies as part of a dedicated expo space over the course of the three days. Supported by the Government of Tamil Nadu, India Green Building Congress 2023 for the first time, will provide a platform for home-owners and residents to attend, network, learn and get inspired to foster green building practices in all facets of life. In addition to this, IGBC will also showcase some of the leading concepts and initiatives at the conference to secure a healthy lifestyle along with better savings. Sharing his insights on the initiative and conference, Mr. Ajit Kumar Chordia, Chairman, IGBC Chennai Chapter, Co Chair – Green Building Congress 2023, said “Our mission is to ensure every building in India is a green building that will not only uplift the economic status of every homeowner but also increase life expectancy with better health benefits. IGBC’s Nest Framework and Certification has been developed specifically for the individual homeowners to help them reduce energy cost by 20-30% and reduce water requirements by 30-50%. We foresee this initiative playing a significant role in building a green India not for this generation but for future generations as well. The IGBC Green Building Congress will lay a foundation for more such meaningful innovations to be launched for greening India’s building sector.” Adding to this, Mr Mahesh Anand, Co- Chairman, IGBC Chennai Chapter, said “The Green Building Congress acts as a pivotal platform, uniting government officials, real estate developers, architects, and construction industry players with the shared objective of fostering a green future for India. After nearly a decade, we are happy to be bringing back our flagship Green Building Congress to Chennai once again. In the last ten years, Tamil Nadu as a state has become a role model for most of the other states due to a significant green building adoption
not just in the capital city, Chennai, but also in major urban centres like Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy, Kanchipuram, Tirupur, and Tuticorin, among many others; with every typology of buildings going green with IGBC, across the state. We express our gratitude to the state government for proactively supporting green building initiatives through incentives and subsidies.” The upcoming Green Building Congress 2023 is poised to feature a distinguished roster of 150+ national and international speakers, offering in-depth sessions on a range of topics, including Green Homes, Green and Low Carbon Materials, Decarbonizing Technologies, RE Electrification, Carbon-Neutral Cities, and Soft Tools and Services. Following these enlightening discussions, the event will conclude with the prestigious IGBC awards ceremony, recognizing industry leaders who have directed their efforts towards net zero and sustainability, making this event even more valuable to look forward to.
TM Anbarasan, Hon’ble Minister for MSME, Tamil Nadu, launched AI Venture Factory – India’s first AI Technology Business Incubator powered by HaiVE and hosted at St Joseph’s Group of Institutions
Chennai, 8th November 2023: HaiVE, a leading on-premise AI company headquartered in Singapore, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with St Joseph’s Group of Institutions to launch AI Venture Factory, an AI startup focused technology business incubator (TBI). In its efforts to promote groundbreaking technology startups in Tamil Nadu, StartupTN has accepted AI Venture Factory, making it India’s first government-accredited AI incubator. The launch event, held on November 8, 2023, was attended by over 5,000 participants and graced by Thiru T.M. Anbarasan, Hon’ble Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of Tamil Nadu. Michael Hiller, Co-Founder of Hiller Marine Australia, a HaiVE customer and investor, was the chief guest of the event. The esteemed St. Joseph Group of Institutions will serve as the host institution for HaiVE’s AI Venture Factory, a Section 8 TBI. During the launch event, Dr. B. Babu Manoharan, Chairman of St. Joseph’s Group of Institutions, and now Director of AI Venture Factory, emphasized that the goal of this initiative is to serve as a launchpad for HaiVE’s products and projects. Luminaries such as Tmt. Archana Patnaik, IAS, Secretary – MSME Department accepted a proposal to be reviewed and accredited as an AI focused TBI. Thiru. Aravind Ramesh, MLA, Shollinganallur and many more were also present to inaugurate this event. In Thiru. Sivaraja Ramanathan, Mission Director & CEO’s stead, Mr Dinesh Sundaravelu VP at StartupTN, acknowledged the proposal to review and accredit AI Venture Factory as an AI Focused Business Incubator launched by both Corporate and Academic bodies, marking a significant stride towards establishing a recognized hub for AI development and entrepreneurship. The AI Venture Factory is uniquely positioned to support aspiring AI entrepreneurs, as it offers a two-fold approach. First, as a deep tech research and development company, HaiVE can provide invaluable technological support to incubatees looking to leverage AI for social impact by providing probono consulting by HaiVE’s AI Scientists. Second, the AI Venture Factory will provide affordable exotic AI Server Infrastructure. The TBI will also assist startups in securing grants and other forms of funding from the Tamil Nadu government, given its close collaboration with government officials. The AI Venture Factory is also looking to incubate 15 startups by FY 2024, further enhancing their commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship in the region.
Commenting on the event, Deepika Loganathan, CEO of HaiVE, said, “The establishment of the AI Venture Factory marks a historic moment in the journey of artificial intelligence. We are excited to collaborate with the Tamil Nadu government and StartupTN to create India’s first government-accredited AI incubator, offering cutting-edge resources, mentorship, and a nurturing environment for AI startups. Through this initiative, HaiVE aims to lead the charge in shaping the future of AI innovation, supporting entrepreneurs, and contributing to India’s burgeoning AI ecosystem. The incubator is designed to be a crucible of innovation, offering state-of-the-art resources like H100 AI server time shares, AI scientists’ mentorship and a conducive environment for young AI ventures to flourish. We look forward to witnessing the transformative impact of the AI Venture Factory on the world of technology and innovation” Thiru T.M.ANBARASAN, Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of Tamil Nadu, said, Tamil Nadu has established a large number of business incubators, facilitated through StartupTN. These incubators provide financial assistance and act as a connecting platform for aspiring entrepreneurs across different sectors. A substantial amount of Rs. 144 crores has been allocated specifically for this esteemed financial support in the annual budget. HaiVE has established a business incubator to foster the growth and development of businesses, which includes mentoring and transforming the ideas and insights of students and other entrepreneurs into successful ventures. HaiVE collaborates with individuals and provides them with training and support in emerging fields of technology such as AI, Machine Learning (ML),Large Language model (LLM), and more to help them run these businesses effectively. This initiative aims to boost economic growth by nurturing and empowering startups and small businesses, ultimately contributing to the overall prosperity of the state of Tamil Nadu. Through this collaboration with the Tamil Nadu government and StartupTN, HaiVE is actively fostering the growth of a new generation of innovators and entrepreneurs, ready to lead the AI revolution in India. The AI Venture Factory will provide a supportive environment where ideas can transform into impactful solutions. HaiVE is committed to being at the forefront of this AI revolution and supporting the next generation of innovators.